About Us


Thank you for you visiting our site! As far as we know this is the first and only Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families Website in the Los Angeles Area. Even though ACA Meetings have been going on in the Los Angeles area for decades we have never really embraced the modern technologies of information.

A proposal was made earlier this year to get funds to create a website of our own. Monies from local beach city ACA Groups along with anonymous donations have made this site possible.

Our plan is to be a place to virtually disseminate information that pertains to the Adult Children and our hope is that people who believe that they are Adult Children will find us and will come to our meetings and get involved.

If you have any ideas on how to improve this site or have any questions use the Contact Us Link at the bottom of any page.

In Service,

Guy D.
April 13, 2016